The first thing Will did was to make Lyra sit down, and theook out the little pot of bloodmoss oi and looked at the wound on her head. It was bleeding freely, as scalp wounds do, but it wasnt deep. He tore a strip off the edge of his shirt and mopped it , and spread some of the oi over the gash,

trying not to think of the filthy state of the claw that made it.

Lyras eyes were glazed, and she ale.

"Lyra! Lyra!" he said, and shook her gently. "e on now, weve got to move."

She gave a shudder and took a long, shaky breath, and her eyes focused on him, full of a wild despair.

"Will, I t do it anymore, I t do it! I t tell lies! I thought it was so easy, but it didnt work, its all I do, and it doesnt work!"

"Its not all you do. You read the alethiometer, t you? e os see where we are. Lets look fer."

He helped her up, and for the first time they looked around at the land where the ghosts were.

They found themselves on a great plain that extended far ahead in……(内容加载失败!)




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