Lord Asriel said, "Marisa, wake up. Were about to land."

A blustery dawn was breaking over the basalt fortress as the iion craft flew in from the south. Mrs. Coulter, sore asick, opened her eyes; she had not been asleep. She could see the angel Xaphania gliding above the landing ground, and then rising and wheeling up to the tower as the craft made for the ramparts.

As soon as the craft had landed, Lord Asriel leapt out and ran to join King Ogunwe on the western watchtn Mrs. Coulter entirely. The teis who came at oo attend to the flying mae took no notice of her, either; no one questioned her about the loss of the aircraft shed stolen; it was as if shed bee invisible. She made her way sadly up to the room in the adamant tower, where the orderly offered t her some food and coffee.

"Whatever you have," she said. "And thank you. Oh, by the way," she went on as the man turo go: "Lord Asriels alethiometrist, Mr. ..."

"Mr. Basilides?"

"Yes. Is he free to e he……(内容加载失败!)




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