m Lyra woke up from a dream in which Pantalaimon had e back to her and revealed his final shape; and she had loved it, but now she had no idea what it was.

The sun hadnt long risen, and the air had a fresh bloom. She could see the sunlight through the open door of the little thatched hut she slept in, Marys house. She lay for a while listening. There were birds outside, and some kind of cricket, and Mary was breathing quietly in her sleep nearby.

Lyra sat up and found herself naked. She was indignant for a moment, and then she saw some clothes folded beside her on the floor: a shirt of Marys, a length of soft, light patterned cloth that she could tie into a skirt. She put them on, feeling sed in the shirt, but at least det.

She left the hut. Pantalaimon was nearby; she was sure of it. She could almost hear him talking and laughing. It must mean that he was safe, and they were still ected somehow. And when he fave her and came back, the hours theyd spen……(内容加载失败!)




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