THE PEOPLE THAT LIVED IN HIDING Now began the happiest times that Caspian had ever known. On a fine summer m when the dew lay on the grass he set off with the Badger and the two Dwarfs, up through the forest to a high saddle in the mountains and down on to their sunny southern slopes where one looked across the green wolds of Arland.

"We will go first to the Three Bulgy Bears," said Trumpkin.

They came in a glade to an old hollow oak tree covered with moss, and Trufflehuapped with his paw three times orunk and there was no aheapped again and a woolly sort of voice from inside said, "Go away. Its not time to get up yet.”

But wheapped the third time there was a noise like a small earthquake from inside and a sort of door opened and out came three brown bears, very bulgy indeed and blinking their little eyes. And whehing had been explaio them (which took a long time because they were so sleepy) they said, just as Trufflehunter had said, that a s……(内容加载失败!)




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