THE LION ROARS WHEN the whole party was finally awake Lucy had to tell her story for the fourth time.

The blank silence which followed it was as discing as anything could be.

"I t see anything," said Peter after he had stared his eyes sore. " you, Susan?”

"No, of course I t," snapped Susan. "Because there isnt anything to see. Shes been dreaming. Do lie down and go to sleep, Lucy.”

"And I do hope," said Lu a tremulous voice, "that you will all e with me.

Because - because Ill have to go with him whether anyone else does or not.”

"Dont talk nonsense, Lucy," said Susan. "Of course you t go off on your own. Do her, Peter. Shes being dht naughty.”

"Ill go with her, if she must go," said Edmund. "Shes been right before.”

"I know she has," said Peter. "And she may have been right this m. We certainly had no luck going down the ge. Still - at this hour of the night. And why should Aslan be invisible to us? He never used to be. Its not like him. ……(内容加载失败!)




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