SHASTA IN NARNIA "WAS it all a dream?" wondered Shasta. But it couldnt have been a dream for there in the grass before him he saw the deep, large print of the Lions frht paw. It took ones breath away to think of the weight that could make a footprint like that. But there was something more remarkable than the size about it. As he looked at it, water had already filled the bottom of it. Soon it was full to the brim, and then overflowing, and a little stream was running downhill, past him, over the grass.

Shasta stooped and drank - a very long drink - and then dipped his fa and splashed his head. It was extremely cold, and clear as glass, and refreshed him very much. After that he stood up, shaking the water out of his ears and flinging the wet hair back from his forehead, and began to take stock of his surroundings.

Apparently it was still very early m. The sun had only just risen, and it had risen out of the forests which he san and far away o……(内容加载失败!)




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