“I hope youll sit o me at dinner,” said Mrs. Coulter, making room for Lyra on the sofa. “Im not used to the grandeur of a Masters lodging. Youll have to show me whiife and fork to use.”

“Are you a female Scholar?” said Lyra. She regarded female Scholars with a proper Jordan disdain: there were such people, but, poor things, they could never be taken more seriously than animals dressed up and ag a play. Mrs.

Coulter, oher hand, was not like any female Scholar Lyra had seen, aainly not like the two serious elderly ladies who were the other female guests. Lyra had asked the question expeg the answer No, in fact, for Mrs.

Coulter had su air of glamour that Lyra was entranced. She could hardly take her eyes off her.

“Not really,” Mrs. Coulter said. “Im a member of Dame Hannahs college, but most of my work takes place outside Oxford....Tell me about yourself, Lyra. Have you always lived at Jordan College?”

Within five minutes Lyra had told her every……(内容加载失败!)




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