Something stirred iudy window and a glow of light sho for a moment. She remembered what she had to do and tapped on the glass door. It opened almost at once.

“Good girl. e in quickly. We havent got long,” said the Master, and drew the curtain back across the door as soon as she had entered. He was fully dressed in his usual black.

“Arent I going after all?” Lyra asked.

“Yes; I t prevent it,” said the Master, and Lyra didnt notice at the time what an odd thing that was to say. “Lyra, Im going to give you something, and you must promise to keep it private. Will you swear to that?”

“Yes,” Lyra said.

He crossed to the desk and took from a drawer a small package ed in black velvet. When he unfolded the cloth, Lyra saw something like a large watch or a small clock: a thick disk of gold and crystal. It might have been a pass or something of the sort.

“What is it?” she said.

“Its ahiometer. Its one of only six that were ever made. Lyra, I urge you ……(内容加载失败!)




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