“The Aurora,” said Farder . “Is that right, Lyra?”

“Yeah, thats it. And in the lights of the Roarer there was like a city. All towers and churches and domes and that. It was a bit like Oxford, thats what I thought, anyway. And Uncle Asriel, he was more ied in that, I think, but the Master and the other Scholars were more ied in Dust, like Mrs.

Coulter and Lord Boreal and them.”

“I see,” said Farder . “Thats very iing.”

“Now, Lyra,” said John Faa, “Im a going to tell you something. Farder here, hes a wise man. Hes a seer. Hes been a f all whats been going on with Dust and the Gobblers and Lord Asriel and everything else, and hes been a f you. Every time the Costas went to Oxford, or half a dozen other families, e to that, they brought back a bit of news. About you, child. Did you know that?”

Lyra shook her head. She was beginning to be frightened. Pantalaimon was growling too deep for ao hear, but she could feel it in her fiips down inside……(内容加载失败!)




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