Lyra had to adjust to her new sense of her own story, and that couldnt be done in a day. To see Lord Asriel as her father was ohing, but to accept Mrs.

Coulter as her mother was nowhere near so easy. A couple of months ago she would have rejoiced, of course, and she khat too, a fused.

But, being Lyra, she didnt fret about it for long, for there was the fen town to explore and many gyptian children to amaze. Before the three days were up she was an expert with a punt (in her eyes, at least) and shed gathered a gang of urs about her with tales of her mighty father, so unjustly made captive.

“And then one evening the Turkish Ambassador was a guest at Jordan for dinner.

And he was under orders from the Sultan hisself to kill my father, right, and he had a ring on his finger with a hollow stone full of poison. And when the wine e round he made as if to reach ay fathers glass, and he sprihe poison in. It was done so quick that no one else saw him, but—”





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