John Faa spoke:

“Lyra, child, Farder has told me about your reading of that instrument.

And Im sorry to say that poor Jacob has just died. I think were going to have to take you with us after all, against my inations. Im troubled in my mind about it, but there doo be any alternative. As soon as Jacobs buried acc to , well take our way. You uand me, Lyra: youre a ing too, but it ent an occasion for joy or jubilation. Theres trouble and danger ahead for all of us.

“Im a putting you under Farder s wing. Dont you be a trouble or a hazard to him, or youll be a feeling the fory wrath. Now cut along and explain to Ma Costa, and hold yourself in readio leave.”

The wo weeks passed more busily than any time of Lyras life so far.

Busily, but not quickly, for there were tedious stretches of waiting, of hiding in damp crabbed closets, of watg a dismal rain-soaked autumn landscape roll past the window, of hiding again, of sleepihe gas fumes of the engine and waki……(内容加载失败!)




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