“You know him?”

“I fought beside him iunguska campaign. Hell, Ive known lorek for years.

Bears are difficult critters no matter what, but hes a problem, and no mistake.

Say, are any of you gentlemen in the mood fame of hazard?”

A pack of cards had appeared from nowhere in his hand. He riffled them with a snapping noise.

“Now Ive heard of the card power of your people,” Lee Scoresby was saying, cutting and folding the cards over and over with one hand and fishing a cigar out of his breast pocket with the other, “and I thought you wouldnt object to giving a simple Texan traveler the ce to joust with your skill and daring on the field of pasteboard bat. What do you say, gentlemen?”

Gyptians prided themselves on their ability with cards, and several of the men looked ied and pulled their chairs up. While they were agreeing with Lee Scoresby what to play and for what stakes, his daemon flicked her ears at Pantalaimon, who uood and leaped to her side ……(内容加载失败!)




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