They traveled for several hours and then stopped to eat. While the men were lighting fires aing snow for water, with lorek Byrnison watg Lee Scoresby roast seal meat close by, John Faa spoke to Lyra.

“Lyra, you see that instrument to read it?” he said.

The moon itself had lohe light from the Aurora was brighter than moonlight, but it was instant. However, Lyras eyes were keen, and she fumbled inside her furs and tugged out the black velvet bag.

“Yes, I see all right,” she said. “But I know where most of the symbols are by now anyway. What shall I ask it, Lord Faa?”

“I want to know more about how theyre defending this place, Bolvangar,” he said.

Without even having to think about it, she found her fingers moving the hands to point to the helmet, the griffin, and the crucible, a her mile into the right meanings like a plicated diagram in three dimensions. At ohe needle began to swing round, back, round and on further, like a bee dang its message……(内容加载失败!)




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