While Farder was talking to the other leaders, she took the tin to lorek Byrnison and explained her idea. It had e to her when she remembered his slig so easily through the metal of the engine cover.

He listened, and then took the lid of a biscuit tin aly folded it into a small flat der. She marveled at the skill of his hands: unlike most bears, he and his kin had opposable thumb claws with which they could hold things still to work on them; and he had some innate sense of the strength and flexibility of metals which meant that he only had to lift it once or twice, flex it this way and that, and he could run a claw over it in a circle to score it for folding.

He did this now, folding the sides in and in until they stood in a raised rim and then making a lid to fit it. At Lyras bidding he made two: ohe same size as the inal smokeleaf tin, and another just big enough to taiin itself and a quantity of hairs and bits of moss and li all packed down tight to……(内容加载失败!)




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