The fact that the gyptians had heard or seen nothing of Mrs. Coulter worried Farder and John Faa more than they let Lyra know; but they werent to know that she was worried too. Lyra feared Mrs. Coulter and thought about her often.

And whereas Lord Asriel was now “father,” Mrs. Coulter was never “mother.” The reason for that was Mrs. Coulters daemon, the golden monkey, who had filled Pantalaimon with a powerful loathing, and who, Lyra felt, had pried into her secrets, and particularly that of the alethiometer.

And they were bound to be chasing her; it was silly to think otherwise. The spy-fly proved that, if nothing else.

But when an enemy did strike, it wasnt Mrs. Coulter. The gyptians had plao stop aheir dogs, repair a couple of sledges, a all their ons into shape for the assault on Bolvangar. John Faa hoped that Lee Scoresby might find some ground gas to fill his smaller balloon (for he had tarently) and go up to spy out the land. However, the ae……(内容加载失败!)




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