A wolf daemon leaped at him: he slashed at her in midair, and bright fire spilled out of her as she fell to the snow, where she hissed and howled before vanishing. Her huma once.

The Tartar officer, faced with this double attack, didate. A long high scream of orders, and the force divided itself into two: oo keep off the witches, the bigger part to overe the bear. His troops were magnifitly brave. They dropped to one knee in groups of four and fired their rifles as if they were on the practice range, not budging an inch as loreks mighty bulk hurtled toward them. A moment later they were dead.

lorek struck again, twisting to one side, slashing, snarling, crushing, while bullets flew about him like s or flies, doing no harm at all. Lyra urged the children on and out into the darkness beyond the lights. They must get away, because dangerous as the Tartars were, far more dangerous were the adults of Bolvangar.

So she called and beed and pushed to get the ch……(内容加载失败!)




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