Fights between bears were on, and the subjeuch ritual. For a bear to kill another was rare, though, and when that happe was usually by act, or when one bear mistook the signals from another, as in the case of lorek Byrnison. Cases of straightforward murder, like lofurs killing of his own father, were rarer still.

But occasionally there came circumstances in which the only way of settling a dispute was a fight to the death. And for that, a whole ceremonial rescribed.

As soon as lofur annouhat lorek Byrnison was on his way, and a bat would take place, the bat ground was swept and smoothed, and armorers came up from the fire mio check lofurs armor. Every rivet was examined, every lied, and the plates were burnished with the fi sand. Just as much attention aid to his claws. The gold leaf was rubbed off, and each separate six-inch hook was sharpened and filed to a deadly point. Lyra watched with a growing siess i of her stomach, for lorek Byrnison wouldnt be……(内容加载失败!)




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