As soon as Lyra had gone her way, Will found a pay phone and dialed the number of the lawyers offi the letter he held.

"Hello? I want to speak to Mr. Perkins."

"Whos calling, please?"

"Its in e with Mr. John Parry. Im his son."

"Just a moment, please..."

A minute went by, and then a mans voice said, "Hello. This is Alan Perkins. Who am I speaking to?"

"William Parry. Excuse me for calling. Its about my father, Mr. John Parry. You send money every three months from my father to my mothers bank at."


"Well, I want to know where my father is, please. Is he alive or dead?"

"How old are you, William?"

"Twelve. I want to know about him."

"Yes ... Has your mother ... is she ... does she know youre phoning me?"

Will thought carefully.

"No," he said. "But shes not in very good health. She t tell me very much, and I want to know."

"Yes, I see. Where are you now? Are you at home?"

"No, Im ... Im in Oxford."

"On your own?"


"And your mothers not well,……(内容加载失败!)




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