"Im sorry," said Dr. Malone. "Yes, maybe they have."

"Whats dark matter?" said Lyra. "Thats what it says on the sign, isnt it?"

Dr. Malo down again, and hooked another chair out with her ankle for Lyra.

She said, "Dark matter is what my research team is looking for. No one knows what it is. Theres more stuff out there in the universe than we see, thats the point. We see the stars and the galaxies and the things that shine, but for it all to hang together and not fly apart, there o be a lot more of it—to make gravity work, you see. But no one detect it. So there are lots of different research projects trying to find out what it is, and this is one of them."

Lyra was all focused attention. At last the woman was talking seriously.

"And what do you think it is?" she asked.

"Well, what we think it is—" As she began, the kettle boiled, so she got up and made the coffee as she tinued. "We think its some kind of elementary particle. Something quite differe……(内容加载失败!)




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