"Will," said Lyra.

She spoke quietly, but he was startled all the same. She was sitting on the bench beside him and he hadnt even noticed.

"Where did you e from?"

"I found my Scholar! Shes called Dr. Malone. And shes got an ehat see Dust, and shes going to make it talk—"

"I didnt see you ing."

"You werent looking," she said. "You mustve been thinking about something else. Its a good thing I found you. Look, its easy to fool people. Watch."

Two police officers were strolling toward them, a man and a woman on the beat, in their white summer shirtsleeves, with their radios and their batons and their suspicious eyes. Before they reached the bench, Lyra was on her feet and speaking to them.

"Please, could you tell me where the museum is?" she said. "Me and my brother was supposed to meet our parents there a lost."

The poli looked at Will, and Will, taining his anger, shrugged as if to say, "Shes right, were lost, isnt it silly." The man smiled. The woman s……(内容加载失败!)




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