"Grumman?" said the black-bearded fur trader. "From the Berlin Academy? Reckless. I met him five years back over at the northern end of the Urals. I thought he was dead."

Sam sino, an old acquaintand a Texan like Lee Scoresby, sat in the naphtha-laden, smoky bar of the Samirsky Hotel and tossed back a shot glass of bitingly cold vodka. He he plate of pickled fish and black bread toward Lee, who took a mouthful and nodded for Sam to tell him more.

"Hed walked into a trap that fool Yakovlev laid," the fur trader went on, "and cut his leg open to the bone. Instead of using regular medies, he insisted on using the stuff the bears use— bloodmoss—some kind of li, it aint a true moss. Anyway, he was lying on a sledge alternately r with pain and calling out instrus to his men—they were taking star sights, and they had to get the measurements right or hed lash them with his tongue, and boy, he had a tongue like barbed wire. A lean man, tough, powerful, curiou……(内容加载失败!)




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