Lyra woke early to find the m quiet and warm, as if the city never had any other weather than this calm summer. She slipped out of bed and downstairs, and hearing some childrens voices out oer, went to see what they were doing.

Three boys and a girl were splashing across the sunlit harbor in a couple of pedal boats, rag toward the steps. As they saw Lyra, they slowed for a moment, but then the race took hold of them again. The winners crashed into the steps so hard that one of them fell into the water, and theried to climb into the other craft and tipped that over, too, and then they all splashed about together as if the fear of the night before had never happehey were youhan

most of the children by the tower, Lyra thought, and she joihem ier, with Pantalaimon as a little silver fish glittering beside her. She never found it hard to talk to other children, and soon they were gathered around her, sitting in pools of water on the warm stoheir shirts dryin……(内容加载失败!)




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