A mier the car came to a silent halt outside a public library. The old man held open the door on his side, so that Lyra had to climb past his ko get out. There was a lot of space, but somehow it was awkward, and she didnt want to touch him, nice as he was.

"Dont fet your rucksack," he said, handing it to her.

"Thank you," she said.

"Ill see you again, I hope, Lizzie," he said. "Give my regards to your friend."

"Good-bye," she said, and lingered on the pavement till the car had turhe er and go of sight before she set off toward the horrees. She had a feeling about that palehaired man, and she wao ask the alethiometer.

Will was reading his fathers letters agai oerrace hearing the distant shouts of children diving off the harbor mouth, ahe clear handwriting on the flimsy airmail sheets, trying to picture the man whod pe, and looking again and again at the refereo the baby, to himself.

He heard Lyras running footsteps from some way off. He put the letters i……(内容加载失败!)




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