Lee Scoresby disembarked at the port in the mouth of the Yenisei River, and found the pla chaos, with fishermen trying to sell their meager catches of unknown kinds of fish to the ing factories; with shipowners angry about the harbor charges the authorities had raised to cope with the floods; and with hunters and fur trappers drifting into town uo work because of the rapidly thawing forest and the disordered behavior of the animals.

It was going to be hard to make his way into the interior along the road, that was certain; for in normal times the road was simply a cleared track of frozeh, and now that even the permafrost was melting, the surface was a s of ed mud.

So Lee put his balloon and equipment into ste and with his dwindling gold hired a boat with a gas engine. He bought several tanks of fuel and some stores, a off up the swollen river.

He made slress at first. Not only was the current swift, but the waters were laden with all kinds of debris: tr……(内容加载失败!)




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