"I t do very much myself. My heart is diseased beyond the powers of anyone in this world to cure it. I have one great effort left in me, perhaps. But I know something Lord Asriel doesnt, something he o know if his effort is to succeed.

"You see, I was intrigued by that haunted world where the Specters fed on human sciousness. I wao know what they were, how they had e into being. And as a shaman, I discover things in the spirit where I ot go in the body, and I spent much time in trance, expl that world. I found that the philosophers there, turies ago, had created a tool for their own undoing: an instrument they called the subtle k had many powers—more than theyd guessed when they made it, far more than they know even now—and somehow, in using it, they had let the Specters into their world.

"Well, I know about the subtle knife and what it do. And I know where it is, and I know how the one who must use it, and I know what he must do in Lord Asriels cau……(内容加载失败!)




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