She tugged at his good arm, helping him, lifting him. He tried to respond, but he didnt have the

strength. He could only walk.

"All right," he said, "we t get to the trees. Too far away. So well go to that temple place. If we shut the door, maybe we hold them out for long enough to cut through after all."

Pantalaimon darted ahead, and Lyra gasped and called to him breathlessly, making him pause.

Will could almost see the boweehe daemon tugging and the girl responding. He stumbled through the thick grass with Lyra running ahead to see, and then back to help, and then ahead again, until they reached the stone pavement around the temple.

The door uhe little portico was unlocked, and they ran io find themselves in a bare circular room with several statues of goddesses in niches around the wall. In the very ter a spiral staircase ht iron led up through an opening to the floor above. There was o lock the door, so they clambered up the staircase and onto the ……(内容加载失败!)




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