Lee Scoresby looked down at the placid o to his left and the green shore to his right, and shaded his eyes to search for human life. It was a day and a night sihey had left the Yenisei.

"And this is a new world?" he said.

"o those not born in it," said Stanislaus Grumman. "As old as yours or miherwise. What Asriels done has shakehing up, Mr. Scoresby, shaken it more profoundly than its ever been shaken before. These doorways and windows that I spoke of—they open in ued plaow.

Its hard to navigate, but this wind is a fair one."

"New or old, thats a strange world down there," said Lee.

"Yes," said Stanislaus Grumman. "It is a strange world, though no doubt some feel at home there."

"It looks empty," said Lee.

"Not so. Beyond that headland youll find a city that was once powerful ahy. And its still inhabited by the desdants of the merts and nobles who built it, though its fallen on hard times in the past three hundred years."

A few minutes later, as the b……(内容加载失败!)




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