He cried out with shod twisted away at once, but the grip was tenacious. And Will was savage now. He felt he was at the very end of everything; and if it was the end of his life, too, he was going to fight and fight till he fell.

So he twisted and kicked and twisted again, but that hand would go; and si was his right arm being held, he could the knife. He tried with his left, but he was being jerked around so much, and his hand was so painful and swollen, that he couldnt reach; he had to fight with one bare, wounded hand against a grown man.

He sank his teeth into the hand on his forearm, but all that happened was that the man landed a dizzying blow on the back of his head. Then Will kicked again and again, and some of the kicks ected and some didnt, and all the time he ulling, jerking, twisting, shoving, and still the grip held him fast.

Dimly he heard his own panting and the mans grunts and harsh breathing; and then by ce he got his leg behind the man……(内容加载失败!)




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