正文 13 BANG!

PEOPLE KNEW FOR a long time that there was something odd about the earth behManson, Iowa. In 1912, a man drilling a well for the town water supply reported bringing up alot of strangely deformed rock—“crystalline clast breccia with a melt matrix” and “overtura flap,” as it was later described in an official report. The water was odd too. It wasalmost as soft as rainwater. Naturally soft water had never been found in Iowabefore.

Though Manson’s strange rocks and silken waters were matters of curiosity, forty-oneyears would pass before a team from the Uy of Iowa got around to making a trip to theunity, then as now a town of about two thousand people in the northwest part of thestate. In 1953, after sinking a series of experimental bores, uy geologists agreed thatthe site was indeed anomalous and attributed the deformed rocks to some a, unspecifiedvolic a. This was in keeping with the wisdom of the day, but it was also about aswrong as a geological ……(内容加载失败!)




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