IE summer or early autumn of 1859, Whitwell Elwior of the respectedBritish journal the Quarterly Review, was sent an advance copy of a new book by thenaturalist Charles Darwin. Elwihe book with i and agreed that it had merit, butfeared that the subject matter was too narrow to attract a wide audience. He urged Darwin towrite a book about pigeons instead. “Everyone is ied in pigeons,” he observedhelpfully.

Elwin’s sage advice was ignored, and On the in of Species by Means of NaturalSele, or the Preservation of Favoured Races iruggle for Life ublished in lateNovember 1859, priced at fifteen shillings. The first edition of 1,250 copies sold out on thefirst day. It has never been out of print, and scarcely out of troversy, in all the time si bad going for a man whose principal other i was earthworms and who, but for asingle impetuous decision to sail around the world, would very probably have passed his lifeas an anonymous try parson known for, well, for……(内容加载失败!)




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