JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS 1887, a young Dutch doctor with an un-Dutame, MarieEugène Fran?ois Thomas Dubois, arrived in Sumatra, ich East Indies, with theiion of finding the earliest human remains oh.

1Several things were extraordinary about this. To begin with, no one had ever gone lookingfor a human bones before. Everything that had been found to this point had been foundactally, and nothing in Dubois’s background suggested that he was the ideal didate tomake the process iional. He was an anatomist by training with no background iology. Nor was there any special reason to suppose that the East Indies would holdearly human remains. Logic dictated that if a people were to be found at all, it would beon a large and long-populated landmass, not in the parative fastness of an archipelago.

Dubois was driven to the East Indies on nothing strohan a hunch, the availability ofemployment, and the knowledge that Sumatra was full of caves, the enviro in whichmost of ……(内容加载失败!)




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