My Inventions:The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla. VI. The Art of Telautomatics

No subject to which I have ever devoted myself has called for such tration of mind and straio so dangerous a degree the fi fibers of my brain as the system of which the Magnifying Transmitter is the foundation. I put all the iy and vigor of youth in the development of the rotating field discoveries, but those early labors were of a different character.

Although strenuous ireme, they did not involve that keen and exhausting disment which had to be exercised in attag the many puzzling problems of the wireless. Despite my rare physical endura that period the abused nerves finally rebelled and I suffered a plete collapse, just as the mation of the long and difficult task was almost in sight.

Without doubt I would have paid a greater penalty later, and very likely my career would have beeurely terminated, had not providence equipt me with a safety device, which has seemed to improve with advang years and unfailingly es into play when my forces are at an end……(内容加载失败!)




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