In Ireland we hear but little of the darker powers,[FN#4] and e across any who have seen them even more rarely, for the imagination of the people dwells rather upon the fantastid capricious, and fantasy and caprice would lose the freedom which is their breath of life, were they to uhem either with evil or with good. Ahe wise are of opinion that wherever man is, the dark powers who would feed his rapacities are there too, han the bright beings who store their honey in the cells of his heart, and the twilight beings who flit hither and thither, and that they enpass him with a passionate and melanultitude. They hold, too, that he who by long desire or through act of birth possesses the power of pierg into their hidden abode see them there, those who were once men or women full of a terrible vehemence, and those who have never lived upon the earth, moving slowly and with a subtler malice. The dark powers g about us, it is said, day and night, like bats up……(内容加载失败!)




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