One night a middle-aged man, who had lived all his life far from the noise of cab-wheels, a young girl, a relation of his, who was reported to be enough of a seer to catch a glimpse of unatable lights moving over the fields among the cattle, and myself, were walking along a far western sandy shore. We talked of the Fetful People as the faery people are sometimes called, and came in the midst of our talk to a notable haunt of theirs, a shallow cave amidst black rocks, with its refle u i sea sand. I asked the young girl if she could see anything, for I had quite a number of things to ask the Fetful People. She stood still for a few minutes, and I saw that she assing into a kind of waking trance, in which the cold sea breeze no loroubled her, nor the dull boom of the sea distracted her attention. I then called aloud the names of the great faeries, and in a moment or two she said that she could hear music far ihe rocks, and then a sound of fused talking, an……(内容加载失败!)




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