One day I was walking over a bit of marshy ground close to Inchy Wood when I felt, all of a sudden, and only for a sed, aion which I said to myself was the root of Christian mysticism. There had swept over me a sense of weakness, of dependen a great personal Being somewhere far off yet near at hand. No thought of mine had prepared me for this emotion, for I had been pre-occupied with Aengus and Edain, and with Mannanan, son of the sea. That night I awoke lying upon my bad hearing a voice speaking above me and saying, “No human soul is like any other human soul, and therefore the love of God for any human soul is infinite, for no other soul satisfy the same need in God.” A few nights after this I awoke to see the loveliest people I have ever seen. A young man and a young girl dressed in olive-green raiment, cut like old Greek raiment, were standing at my bedside. I looked at the girl and noticed that her dress was gathered about her neto a kind of , o……(内容加载失败!)




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