正文 2. A French Lesson

2. A French Lesson

When Sara ehe schoolroom the m everybody looked at her with wide, ied eyes. By that time every pupil-- from Lavinia Herbert, who was nearly thirteen a quite grown up, to Lottie Legh, who was only just four and the baby of the school-- had heard a great deal about her. They knew very certainly that she was Miss Mins show pupil and was sidered a credit to the establishment. One or two of them had even caught a glimpse of her French maid, Mariette, who had arrived the evening before. Lavinia had mao pass Saras room when the door en, and had seen Mariette opening a box which had arrived late from some shop.

"It was full of petticoats with lace frills on them--frills and frills," she whispered to her friend Jessie as she bent over her geography. "I saw her shaking them out. I heard Miss Min say to Miss Amelia that her clothes were so grand that they were ridiculous for a child. My mamma says that children should be dressed simply. She has……(内容加载失败!)




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