正文 5. Becky

5. Becky

Of course the greatest power Sara possessed and the one which gained her even more followers than her luxuries and the fact that she was "the show pupil," the power that Lavinia aain irls were most envious of, and at the same time most fasated by in spite of themselves, was her power of telling stories and of making everything she talked about seem like a story, whether it was one or not.

Anyone who has been at school with a teller of stories knows what the wonder means--how he or she is followed about and besought in a whisper to relate romances; how groups gather round and hang oskirts of the favored party in the hope of being allowed to join in and listen. Sara not only could tell stories, but she adored telling them. Whe or stood in the midst of a circle and began to i wonderful things, her green eyes grew big and shining, her cheeks flushed, and, without knowing that she was doing it, she began to ad made what she told lovely or alarming b……(内容加载失败!)




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