正文 7. The Diamond Mines Again

7. The Diamond Mines Again

When Sara ehe holly-hung schoolroom iernoon, she did so as the head of a sort of procession. Miss Min, in her gra silk dress, led her by the hand. A manservant followed, carrying the box taining the Last Doll, a housemaid carried a sed box, and Becky brought up the rear, carrying a third and wearing a apron and a ne. Sara would have much preferred to enter in the usual way, but Miss Min had sent for her, and, after an interview in her private sitting room, had expressed her wishes.

"This is not an ordinary occasion," she said. "I do not desire that it should be treated as one."

So Sara was led grandly in a shy when, on her entry, the big girls stared at her and touched each others elbows, and the little ones began to squirm joyously in their seats.

"Silence, young ladies!" said Miss Min, at the murmur which arose. "James, place the box oable and remove the lid. Emma, put yours upon a chair. Becky!" suddenly and severely.





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