正文 9. Melchisedec

9. Melchisedec

The third person irio was Lottie. She was a small thing and did not know what adversity meant, and was much bewildered by the alteration she saw in her young adopted mother. She had heard it rumored that strahings had happeo Sara, but she could not uand why she looked different--why she wore an old black frod came into the schoolroom only to teastead of to sit in her place of honor and learn lessons herself. There had been much whispering among the little ones when it had been discovered that Sara no longer lived in the rooms in which Emily had so long sat in state. Lotties chief difficulty was that Sara said so little when one asked her questions. At seven mysteries must be made very clear if one is to uand them.

"Are you very poor now, Sara?" she had asked fidentially the first m her friend took charge of the small French class. "Are you as poor as a beggar?" She thrust a fat hand into the slim one and opened round, tearful eyes. "I don……(内容加载失败!)




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