正文 11. Ram Dass

11. Ram Dass

There were fine sus even in the square, sometimes. One could only see parts of them, however, between the eys and over the roofs. From the kit windows one could not see them at all, and could only guess that they were going on because the bricks looked warm and the air rosy or yellow for a while, or perhaps one saw a blazing glow strike a particular pane of glass somewhere. There was, however, one place from whie could see all the splendor of them: the piles of red old clouds in the west; or the purple ones edged with dazzling brightness; or the little fleecy, floating oinged with rose-color and looking like flights of pink doves scurrying across the blue in a great hurry if there was a wind. The place where one could see all this, and seem at the same time to breathe a purer air, was, of course, the attidow. When the square suddenly seemed to begin to glow in an ented way and look wonderful in spite of its sooty trees and railings, Sara kn……(内容加载失败!)




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