正文 14. What Melchisedec Heard and Saw

14. What Melchisedec Heard and Saw

On this very afternoon, while Sara was out, a strahing happened iily Melchisedec saw and heard it; and he was so much alarmed and mystified that he scuttled back to his hole and hid there, and really quaked and trembled as he peeped out furtively and with great caution to watch what was going on.

The attic had been very still all the day after Sara had left it in the early m. The stillness had only been broken by the pattering of the rain upon the slates and the skylight. Melchisedec had, in fact, found it rather dull; and when the rain ceased to patter and perfect silence reigned, he decided to e out and reoiter, though experieaught him that Sara would not return for some time. He had been rambling and sniffing about, and had just found a totally ued and unexplained crumb left from his last meal, when his attention was attracted by a sound on the roof. He stopped to listen with a palpitati. The sound suggested that so……(内容加载失败!)




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