正文 19. Anne

19. Anne

Never had such jned in the nursery of the Large Family. Never had they dreamed of such delights as resulted from an intimate acquaintah the little-girl-who-was-not-a-beggar. The mere fact of her sufferings and adventures made her a priceless possession. Everybody wao be told over and aihings which had happeo her. When one was sitting by a warm fire in a big, glowing room, it was quite delightful to hear how cold it could be in an attic. It must be admitted that the attic was rather delighted in, and that its ess and bareness quite sank into insignifice when Melchisedec was remembered, and one heard about the sparrows and things one could see if one climbed oable and stues head and shoulders out of the skylight.

Of course the thing loved best was the story of the ba and the dream which was true. Sara told it for the first time the day after she had been found. Several members of the Large Family came to take tea with her, and as they sat or curl……(内容加载失败!)




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