正文 Part 1-2

If you were rugby-tackled in the middle of the night just as you were about to hurl yourself off the top of a tower-block, you probably wouldhinking about breakfast televisioers.

(This would e as a shock to breakfast televisioers, of course, most of whom firmly believe that people think about nothing else but breakfast, lund dinner.) I was mature enough to rise above Jesss taunts, even though I felt like breaking her arms.

If we let go, are you going to behave? Yes.

So Maureen stood up, and with wearying predictability Jess scrambled for the ladder, and I had t her crashing down again.

Now what? said Maureen, as if I were a veteran of tless similar situations, and would therefore know the ropes.

I dont bloody know.

Why it didnt occur to any of us that a well-known suicide spot would be like Piccadilly Circus on New Years Eve. I have no idea, but at that point in the proceedings I had accepted the reality of our situation: we were in the process of turni……(内容加载失败!)




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