正文 Part 1-4

Heres the thing about Maureen: she had a lot muts than I had.

Shed stuck around to find out what it would feel like, o live the life she had planned for herself. I didnt know what those plans were, but she had them, same as everybody, and when Matty came along, shed waited around for twenty years to see what shed be offered as a replat, and she was offered nothing at all. There was a lot of feeling in that slap, and I could imagiting someone pretty hard when I was her age, too. That was one of the reasons I didnt intend ever to be her age.


Frank is Mattys father. Its funny to think that might not be immediately obvious to someone, because its so obvious to me. I only ever had intercourse with one man, and I only had intercourse with that one man once, and the oime in my entire life I had intercourse produced Matty.

What are the ces, eh? One in a million? One in ten million? I dont know. But of course even one in ten million means that there ar……(内容加载失败!)




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