正文 Part 2-1


It didnt take long for the papers to find out. A couple of days, maybe. I was in my room, and Dad called me downstairs and asked me what Id been up to on New Years Eve. And I went, Nothing much, and he went, Well, that isnt what the neers seem to think. And I was like, Neers?

And he said, Yeah, theres apparently going to be a story about you and Martin Sharp. Do you know Martin Sharp? And I was, you know, Yeah, sort of, only met him that night at a party, dont know him very well.

And so Dad goes, What the hell kind of party is it where you meet someone like Martin Sharp? And I couldnt think what kind of party that would be, so I didnt say anything. And then Dad was like, And was there… Did anything… All tenterhooks or whatever, kind of thing, so I just dived in.

Did I fuck him? No I did not! Thanks a bunch! Bloody hell! Martin Sharp! Eeeeuch! And so on and so on until he got the idea.

It was fug Chas, of course, who phoned up the neers. Hed pro……(内容加载失败!)




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