正文 Part 2-5

And because of ere and what had happeo us, we wao talk about personal things, so it was embarrassing him standing there.

Martin was like, Lets drink up and go, aood up. But Captain Coffee went, Whats the matter now? So I said, The thing is, we o have a private versation, and he said he uood pletely, and hed go outside until wed finished. And I said, But really, everything we say is private, for reasons I t go into. And he said it didnt matter, hed still wait outside unless anyone else came. And thats what he did, and thats why we ended up going to Starbucks for our coffee meetings. It was hard to trate on how miserable we were, with this berk in an army uniform leaning against the window outside cheg that we werent stealing his biscuits, or biscotties as he called them. People go on about places like Starbucks being unpersonal and all that, but what if thats what you want?

Id be lost, if JJ and people like that got their way, and there was nothing unper……(内容加载失败!)




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