正文 Part 2-6


The first evening wasnt too bad, I suppose. I was reized once or twice, and ended up wearing JJs baseball cap pulled down over my eyes, which depressed me. I am not a baseball-cap sort of a chap, and I abhor people who wear any sort of headgear during dinner. We ate so-so seafood in a tourist trap on the seafront, and the only reason I didnt plain about just about everything was because of the look on Maureens face: she was transported by her microwaved plaid her warm white wine, and it seemed churlish to spoil it.

Maureen had never been anywhere, and Id had a holiday just a few months before. Penny and I went away for a few days after Id e out of prison, to Majorca. We stayed in a private villa outside Deya, and I thought it was going to be the best few days of my life, because the worst three months were over. But of course it wasnt like that at all; to describe prison as the worst three months of ones life is like describing a horrible car c……(内容加载失败!)




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