正文 Part 3-2

Ill tell you what really got me, though. The only proof that Martin had ever had anything to do with dy was us turning up in her house. Us and his kids, anyway, but they would only be proof if you took them for a D and that. Anyway, what I mean is, as far as dy was ed, he might as well have never existed. Theyd all moved on. dy had a whole new life now. On the way down, Id been thinking about how Id moved on, but all Id done was gone orain ride and one bus journey without asking Maureen about sexual positions. After Id seen dy, that didnt seem like such a long journey. dy had got rid of Martin, moved a someone else. Her past was in the past, but our past, I dont know… Our past was still all over the place. We could see it every day when we woke up. It was like dy lived in a modern place like Tokyo and we lived in an old place like Rome or somewhere. Except it couldnt be exactly like that, because Rome is probably a cool place to live, what with the clo……(内容加载失败!)




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