正文 Part 3-4

It wasnt like I wao, you know, grab life in a passionate embrad vow o let it go until it let go of me. In a way, it makes things worse, not better. Once you stop pretending that everythings shitty and you t wait to get out of it, which is the story Id been telling myself for a while, then it gets more painful, not less. Telling yourself life is shit is like ahetid when you stop taking the Advil, then you really tell how much it hurts, and where, and its not like that kind of pain does anyone a whole lot of good.

And it was kind of appropriate that I was with my ex-lover and my ex-brother at the precise moment I realized, because it was the same kind of thing. I loved them, and would always love them. But there was no place where they could fit any more, so I had o put all the things I felt. I didnt know what to do with them, and they didnt know what to do with me, and isnt that just like life?

I never said anything about finishing with you because yo……(内容加载失败!)




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