正文 NOVEMBER, 1942


Dear Kitty,

Bep stayed with us Friday evening. It was fun, but she didnt sleep very well because shed drunk some wine. For the rest, theres nothing special to report. I had an awful headache yesterday ao bed early. Margots being exasperating again.

This m I began s out an index card file from the office, because itd fallen over and gotten all mixed up. Before long I was going nuts. I asked Margot aer to help, but they were too lazy, so I put it away.

Im not crazy enough to do it all by myself!

Anne Frank

PS. I fot to mention the importahat Im probably going to get my period soon. I tell because I keep finding a whitish smear in my panties, and Mother predicted it would start soon. I hardly wait. Its such a momentous event. Too bad I t use sanitary napkins, but you t get them anymore, and Mamas tampons be used only by women whove had a baby. i ENT ADDED BY ANNE ON JANUARY 22, 1944: I wouldnt be able to write that kind of thing……(内容加载失败!)




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